Philadelphia, PA Demographics

Based on 2014 studies, the total population of Philadelphia, PA has reached 1,544,547, of which 731,161 or 52.7% are men and 813,388 or 47.3% are women. The population increased by 31.1% since 2000 and around 1.1% since 2010. The median age for the permanent residents in Philadelphia is 34.24 years old.

Occupational Employment

When it comes to employment, there are more people working in formal workplaces or offices than those doing manual work in informal work settings. There are 15,658 individuals with white collar jobs while there are 7,232 people in blue collar jobs.


There are 625,613 households in the city of Philadelphia. The average number of people per household is 2.35. Here is a breakdown of the number of households per type or classification:

Family Households - 374,604
Non-family Households - 251,013
Households With Children - 197,780
Households Without Children - 427,839

Education Statistics

Philadelphia is home to good schools and the graduation rate in the district has risen from 52% in 2005 to 65% in 2014.

No High School - 64,488
Some High School - 143,502
Some College - 163,175
Associate Degree - 54,158
Bachelors Degree - 129,991
Graduate Degree - 93,244

Marital Status

Regarding marital status, there are about 523,373 individuals who are not married, while 311,465 are. Individuals who were married but are currently separated are 63,939; people who are divorced are 78,426, and those whose spouses have passed are 33,928 in number.


Being the center of economic activity in the state of Pennsylvania, the city has a lot of jobs to offer. The average household income is 311,465 while the median household income is $41,248. Those employed and within the 45 to 64 age range earn the most at $47,852 median rate.


Philadelphia Geography and Climate Philadelphia Culture Philadelphia Sports

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